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To establish a consistent procedure to deal with children that become ill while in our care.


General Illness

Special consideration will be given to children that become ill while in our care to help them feel safe and comfortable. At the same time, measures will be taken to help protect the other children in our care from the risk of a potentially transmissible disease.

Contagious Illness & Infestation

For the health and safety of all of the children that attend KidHub, Parents are required to notify KidHub Management upon finding out that their child has a contagious illness or infestation. The child with the contagious illness or infestation may not attend any of KidHub’s programs until the illness/infestation is resolved.


General Illness

When a child mentions, or their behaviour indicates, that they are feeling ill, the KidHub teachers will take the following steps:

  1. Have the child sit, relax and drink some water
  2. Ask the child a few questions about how they are feeling in an attempt to determine the cause
  3. Take the child’s axillary temperature.
    1. If the child's temperature is below, but close to, 37˚C, the child will be monitored closely and their temperature will be re-checked periodically.
    2. If the child's temperature is at or above 37˚C, parents will be contacted to pick up their child.
  4. If at any point, and at their discretion, the KidHub teachers feel concerned about the child’s health, they will contact the child’s parents to have them picked up.

Contagious Illness & Infestation

When a parent has informed us that their child has contracted a contagious illness (e.g. Chicken Pox) or infestation (e.g. Head lice), KidHub Management will take the following steps:

  1. Notify all parents of children that attend the same centre
  2. Notify the schools of all of the children at the centre.

For further information on how long children with communicable diseases should be excluded from the program, please refer to Communicable Disease Exclusion Criteria.